In August 2021 I spent 2 weeks in Andalucia, Spain I traveled around by train – here are my best tips following my trip.
Things I’ve learnt on my 2 week trip through Andalucia:
1) Malaga
Malaga is very uninteresting, full of European teenagers and dodgy bars
2) Ronda
Spend more time in Ronda! There are loads of walks – and it’s nice and quiet in the evenings as many people only go here for day trips. And sunset are gorgeous!
3) Location
Always check that the hotel is located in the city center. Location does matter.
4) Travel by train
If you travel by train all routes seem to go through Anteguera. Which seems to consist only of this train station. Have snacks. Btw; ALL trains were on time!
5) Siesta
Remember to take siesta time into account. There will be hours where you cannot do much. Make sure you still have time to do everything you want to do/see.
6) History
Some interest in history/culture is a must. Sure, landscapes are pretty, but it would be such a shame not to dig into the history while you here!
7) And skybars
Remember that most bigger cities have skybars. Do yourself a favor and visit them for a drink late in the afternoon. Views are always worth it!
8) Water
Bring a water-bottle. Water is drinkable and there’s plenty of places to refill.
9) Weather
August is very hot! Downside is that some attractions and shops might be closed. Upside is that it’s much less crowded.
10) Shopping
Don’t fill your suitcase from home. Shopping is endless – you WILL buy stuff to take home! 🙈